The Very Inspiring Blogger Award
I feel bad because I was actually given this award a few months ago and I am now just getting around to making a post about it! New Wings to Fly nominated me and I was very moved by receiving this award. I don't think many people really talk about having anxiety- especially the ugly parts. I don't think she has posted either for a few months sadly. Hopefully she comes back and makes a post!

Part of the award involves listing 10 facts about yourself so here it goes:
- I love cows. They are my favorite animal.
- I binge watch Bob's Burgers and Family Guy.
- I am always on Pinterest and Facebook.
- I was born in Utah.
- I could sleep all day.
- I have broken two bones- my left arm and my left ankle.
- I don't really know how to put on make-up.
- I love music! I am always looking for new suggestions.
- I don't like watching TV shows that require my attention for longer than 30 minutes.
- I prefer the mountains over the beach.
I feel bad because I am supposed to nominate 15 blogs that I feel deserve this award but I don't follow that many people! Or actually anyone yet! So if you're reading this and you know of a blog that deserves this award, please give it to them on my behalf! These are the rules:
1. Thank your nominator by posting a link to their blog on your Award post
2. List 7 to 10 Facts About Yourself
3. Nominate up to 15 other blogs for being inspirational
4. Post the rules so people know them
5. Notify your nominees via their About Page and send them the link to your Award Post with the rules on it – I will do so once I choose the lucky ones and I finish this post
6. Post the award badge on your blog anywhere you like on your pages or posts
I also just want to say thank you to anyone out there who is reading this blog. Maybe it's one person, or none. Either way I'm glad that I have a place where I can talk about my anxiety without feeling shame. My few posts have really helped me discover more about myself. This award makes me very happy and I'm glad that someone out there in blogland thought I deserved it!
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